OUR Mission
- UPWARD: Everything we do is to honor God and give Him glory.
- INWARD: We want to heal, learn, love, and grow in our relationship with God on a personal level.
- OUTWARD: We want to share God's love, compassion, care, and joy to the world around us.
OUR Vision
- EVERYONE MATTERS: Every person is created in the image of God.
- ANYONE CAN CONNECT: Anyone can connect to God and the Church through repentance and salvation.
- NO ONE GETS LEFT BEDHIND: God wants everyone to be repent and be born again, and so do we.
Our Identity

We're Christlike
John 15:12 This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. 13 There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command.
Discipleship // Serving // Obedient // Integrity
Discipleship // Serving // Obedient // Integrity

We're Compassionate
Luke 6:36 You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate.
Mercy // Sympathy // Giving // Priorities
Mercy // Sympathy // Giving // Priorities

We're Community
Hebrews 10:24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.
Fellowship // Encouragement // Legacy // Unity
Fellowship // Encouragement // Legacy // Unity

We're Celebrating
We’re Celebrating
1 Thessalonians 5:11 So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.
Worship // Honor // Excellence // Faith
1 Thessalonians 5:11 So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.
Worship // Honor // Excellence // Faith

We're Caring
1 Corinthians 12:25 This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other.
Evangelism // Kindness // Gratitude // Prayer
Evangelism // Kindness // Gratitude // Prayer

We're Creative
1 Peter 4:10 God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.
Arts // Ideas // Thoughts // Actions
Arts // Ideas // Thoughts // Actions
OUR Future
I SEE a church where unchurched people love to attend, where people outside of these walls meet any WC’er and immediately know we are authentic and real. They may disagree with our doctrine, but they love our humanity.
I SEE a church that refuses to be comfortable with half-hearted Christianity that robs and steals its soul . . . a church fully devoted to Jesus and preaches a clear and uncompromising gospel and doesn’t get lost in meaningless issues that divide the body of Christ.
I SEE a church that would never settle for the status quo and doing business as usual . . . a faith-filled, Spirit-empowered, and kingdom-minded church that is willing to step out of its comfort zone and take risks to reach people for Jesus . . . a church that prays hard and never insults God with small thinking and safe living.
I SEE a church where children and students are fully devoted to Jesus and beg their parents to never miss a Sunday . . . a generation who worships, learns the Bible, and is empowered by the Spirit . . . a church that believes the next generation isn’t the future of the church, it is the church.
I SEE a church who uses every digital platform possible to connect and engage people in the gospel regardless of location. A church where people experience community 24/7. A church who provides “on demand” Bible teaching, resources, and engaging platforms.
I SEE a church where people are fully devoted to God and each other…a church who experience spiritual growth and authentic community in homes, coffee shops, workplaces, and dorm rooms.
I SEE a church whose heart breaks for the things that break the heart of God . . . a church that doesn’t stand on a soapbox of judgment and self-righteousness but serves people with contagious love . . . a church that expresses true religion by caring for widows and orphans in their distress and speaks up for people who can’t speak for themselves.
I SEE a church where every follower of Christ is empowered for ministry . . . a church where no one sits in the bleachers or stands on the sidelines.
I SEE a church where people are engaged and participate in worship. Where people put God above their preferences and music style. Where congregational worship creates a thirst for daily worship.
I SEE a church that embraces diversity. A church where every tribe and nation gather to lift up the name of Jesus. A church who shows the world every person is created in the image of God and any hint of racism is evil and unacceptable in the family of God.
I SEE a church with multiple campuses who reach Northwest Ohio and a vision for walking along side of church plants and other establish churches... . . . a church whose vision is big enough to have a regional and global impact, yet personal enough to say “Welcome home!” to every person who walks through our doors.
I SEE a church with a Christian School and Leadership College empowering generations of leaders, where graduates serve God in all walks of life, released to dynamic leadership in the marketplace and churches across the street and around the world.
I SEE our church, The Wapak Church.
I SEE a church that refuses to be comfortable with half-hearted Christianity that robs and steals its soul . . . a church fully devoted to Jesus and preaches a clear and uncompromising gospel and doesn’t get lost in meaningless issues that divide the body of Christ.
I SEE a church that would never settle for the status quo and doing business as usual . . . a faith-filled, Spirit-empowered, and kingdom-minded church that is willing to step out of its comfort zone and take risks to reach people for Jesus . . . a church that prays hard and never insults God with small thinking and safe living.
I SEE a church where children and students are fully devoted to Jesus and beg their parents to never miss a Sunday . . . a generation who worships, learns the Bible, and is empowered by the Spirit . . . a church that believes the next generation isn’t the future of the church, it is the church.
I SEE a church who uses every digital platform possible to connect and engage people in the gospel regardless of location. A church where people experience community 24/7. A church who provides “on demand” Bible teaching, resources, and engaging platforms.
I SEE a church where people are fully devoted to God and each other…a church who experience spiritual growth and authentic community in homes, coffee shops, workplaces, and dorm rooms.
I SEE a church whose heart breaks for the things that break the heart of God . . . a church that doesn’t stand on a soapbox of judgment and self-righteousness but serves people with contagious love . . . a church that expresses true religion by caring for widows and orphans in their distress and speaks up for people who can’t speak for themselves.
I SEE a church where every follower of Christ is empowered for ministry . . . a church where no one sits in the bleachers or stands on the sidelines.
I SEE a church where people are engaged and participate in worship. Where people put God above their preferences and music style. Where congregational worship creates a thirst for daily worship.
I SEE a church that embraces diversity. A church where every tribe and nation gather to lift up the name of Jesus. A church who shows the world every person is created in the image of God and any hint of racism is evil and unacceptable in the family of God.
I SEE a church with multiple campuses who reach Northwest Ohio and a vision for walking along side of church plants and other establish churches... . . . a church whose vision is big enough to have a regional and global impact, yet personal enough to say “Welcome home!” to every person who walks through our doors.
I SEE a church with a Christian School and Leadership College empowering generations of leaders, where graduates serve God in all walks of life, released to dynamic leadership in the marketplace and churches across the street and around the world.
I SEE our church, The Wapak Church.