You will forget 80% of what you don't write down.

Sermon Notes from previous messages so you can remember God's Word.


As a Christian we are called to lead.
What does that look like? Who are we leading? Why are we leading? Where are we leading? How are we leading?
Pastor Jason Goss
Lead Pastor

dealing with nuts

Let's face it - The church is full of NUTS!
It's true we all are not perfect. So how can we learn to get along? How do we "deal" with our issues? How do we help others deal with their issues? Join us as we learn that being nuts isn't so bad!
Pastor Jason Goss
Lead Pastor

Guest speakers

Each year we have a few guest speakers who are able to share and minister the Gospel with us. These are great opportunities to hear what God is doing outside Wapakoneta.
Pastor Bill Leach
Retired Pastor
Pastor John Wootten
OMN Superintendent
Pastor Isaac Smythia


So what does it mean to remember?
Does it simply suggest we shouldn’t let thoughts slip out of your mind? Does it mean we think about the sufferings of Jesus? Should I feel really thankful or really awful?
Pastor Jason Goss
Lead Pastor

In All things

How can we live out our theme verse for the year?
Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.
Pastor Jason Goss
Lead Pastor

The christmas dilemma

Nobody expected the arrival of a baby to shake up their lives. But when that baby is Jesus, plans are rearranged, beliefs are challenged, and ordinary people find their lives forever changed.
Pastor Jason Goss
Lead Pastor
Pastor Larry Good
PrimeTime Co-Pastor