You will forget 80% of what you don't write down.

Sermon Notes from previous messages so you can remember God's Word.


Ecclesiastes 8:17 says that no one can discover everything God is doing. This year we want to discover how to bring more honor to the Kingdom of God, discover how to grow more as disciples, and discover how to reach those around us, sharing God's love.
Pastor Jason Goss
Lead Pastor

The Blessed Life

Our culture is saturated with false teaching on what it means to be blessed, but what does the Bible say about it? How can we truly live blessed lives? With humor, passion, and clarity, pastor and bestselling author Robert Morris presents the secrets of living a blessed life both financially and spiritually. He shows that when God changes your heart from selfishness to generosity, every part of your life-journey is affected.
Pastor Robert Morris
Lead Pastor
Gateway Church, Dallas-Fort Worth, TX 
Pastor Jason Goss
Lead Pastor


What does the Bible actually say about Eternity? Heaven? Hell? Angels? Demons? What can we expect? What do we know? What do we not know? Where is it? And more...
Pastor Jason Goss
Lead Pastor

Easter Sunday

When Peter tell Jesus that he would never forsake him, did he actually know what that would mean?
Pastor Michael Rowan
Evangelist, Michael Rowan Ministries

Level Up

We all get to the point in our spiritual life where we just go through the motions and never really advance. We get lazy or indifferent and forget the power that Jesus has in our lives when we truly pursue him. So who do we do that? How do we go to the next level in our relationship with Christ? What does it mean to pray with intention, love and serve others, and have an intimate relationship with Jesus.
Pastor Jason Goss
Lead Pastor